Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Authors in the Spotlight 7/25

In today's Authors in the Spotlight, we have author Jessie Wrights!


Name: Jessie Wrights

How long have you been published? Since 2016

What's the worst part about being published? The hours you have to spend Marketing.

What's the best part about being published?
Knowing that you are bringing a few hours of enjoyment to someone else.

Are you self published or did you go through a publishing company?
Self Published

*What are the highs, if any? Knowing that every step of success is your own.

*What are the lows, if any? The hours you don't get to spend writing because your focus is divided among so many other things.

What is the name of your book(s)? Angelic Outcast, As the World Burns

Was it/were they an easy write for you? Angelic Outcast came fairly easily.
I call As the World Burns my personal book from hell. It ended up twice as long as it was supposed to and will be re-released this year.

What's the hardest part about writing a book? Aside from grammar and punctuation, is time line consistency. Making sure that past events don't contradict future events, and vice versa.

What's the easiest part about writing a book? When you can sit in front of a computer or a notebook and let the words flow from your head to the page.

Where can interested readers purchase their copy of your book(s)? I currently have accounts on Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, and I'm working on others. Details can be found at my website

Do you have any future projects in the works? *Is there a tentative release date? The sequel to Angelic Outcast 'Angelic Beast' will be released this year. As well as several anthologies.

Do you have any social media sites that you would like to share with my readers? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Google, and Smashwords.

Join me on Thursday as I bring you author Jim McComish! 


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