Thursday, October 30, 2014

Where There Is Darkness....

There is light. Where there is day, there is night.

Many things are cloaked in darkness. Some of our worst fears, deepest secrets, biggest regrets and private truths are kept in the dark. The darkness is there for a reason...

When the darkness becomes all consuming, it is then that we seek the light. However, it is something that we do by choice. On our own. One cannot be forced into the light unless they want to go. Nor, will anyone bearing a flashlight be welcomed.

What a person doesn't understand is that one HAS to be in the darkness in order to appreciate the light. There are people who want to be saved and there are others who don't. There are people who, in order to move forward, have to understand that moving backwards is not an option.

I have been so foolish in thinking that I live privately, when in all actuality, my life is completely transparent. My words as clear as cellophane. That does not work for me. I like my darkness. I embrace my darkness. I need my darkness. Most importantly, people cannot SEE me in my darkness...

I will find the light when I am ready, but for now, your flashlight isn't welcomed here...

Monday, October 13, 2014

Everyone Always Wears....

Two faces. One for the public eye and one where no one else can see...

Who you are and you are perceived to be are sometimes completely opposite. Your core being will always remain, no matter how many times you grow or change.

For a lot of us, it's takes a conscious effort to change, to grow, to become someone different. For others, it comes naturally. Those of us that have to battle our inner demon to become something else, fight hard! Some, like myself, fight to suppress the evil that lies within us, but there are others who fight to suppress the goodness within.

We are the way we are now because someone or something has caused us to be that way. Life, has caused us to be that way. I am kind hearted, caring, and sympathetic because life has made me that way, but that doesn't mean that I have always been that way. There are people who are cold, angry, and mean spirited but that's because life has more than likely made them that way as well. Rarely, have I known someone to remain true to their core personality.

Some people change and then later, wish to go back to their former selves; I am not one of those people. For me, I find more of an inner peace being who I am now. Who I used to be was a very unhappy and angry individual. Granted, I am more guarded than I once was, more observant, but in the grand scheme of things, I am a lot happier. Why? Because life has taught me that in order to survive, you need to be compassionate. In order to grow, you need to understand. In order to change, you need to be open minded. As I stated before, life has made me this way....