Tuesday, December 31, 2013

To Read or Not to Read...

Is a good question but that's not the problem at all...

Throughout the entire year of 2013, I did not record me reading a single poem and I'm a little upset by it. I allowed my busy schedule to interfere with the one thing that's been loyal to me for years. I could understand if it was just that I didn't know which poem I wanted to read or that I was nervous about how I would sound, but that wasn't the case at all; I just simply did not make any time. But that is all about to change...

Change. The one word that brings fear and excitement to my core all at the same time.

2014 is full of so many possibilities and opportunities that they're practically endless! Honestly, I get so excited at just the thought. What I once feared, I am now slowly embracing. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new chapter in an already interesting book.

Stay Tuned...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Adjust Your Rearview Mirror...

Because it's time to watch your past fade away...

And so we come to the end of yet another year. As the time ticks slowly by, I find myself intently reflecting on all of the good and all of the bad. Each moment in my life came with some sort of lesson; one that I'm supposed to take heed to and use again at some point in the future. Whether it was a tidbit of information for myself, or one to share with others, it was a tidbit all the same.

With the ending of 2013, I find myself neatly closing up various Chapters in my life and preparing to anxiously open other ones. There are big changes happening in my life right and instead of fearing them like I would've in the past, I am anxiously awaiting them. I have never been more excited about the unknown as I currently am right now. 2014 won't just be the year that I turn 30, it will be the year that defines me as a person. It will also be the year of many accomplishments for me as an individual and as a partner.

Needless to say, I'm pleased to bid 2013 farewell and geeked beyond words to usher in 2014...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Things Wanted Most...

Are probably the things that you're not supposed to have anyway...

It's said that if you don't want to be written about, then don't upset a writer. Well, seeing as though I'm a writer, I recognize the weighted truth in that statement! Omg! I almost want to feel sorry for anyone that crosses me, but even more so I want to feel sorry for anyone that catches my attention enough to be written about.

There are so many thoughts racing through my mind lately and I get so angry because it's hard to capture any one thought. My mind races when I'm at home but it seems to race the most when I'm at work. Probably because I am constantly reminded of what it is that I want that I cannot have; having an ample amount of time to think does that to a person, you know? And sadly, there are quite a few times where moments are slow and I am given nothing but time. Nothing but the companionship of my thoughts. Nothing but an ample amount of time to be reminded of what it is that I want, but cannot have.

But oh how I want it!

I want it more than I can express in any poem and I've found myself trying to do just that in the last week. I've probably written about five so far. Well, one took a few months before all of my thoughts fell into place and the others just kind of happened in a sense. The craziest part about it all is that the range of emotions tied to what I want, is so broad that you can get a pretty good sense of what wanting this is doing to me mentally and probably emotionally. I don't know...

One thing certain and two things sure, the sudden surge of inspiration was definitely needed...