Monday, June 15, 2020

My Life Matters...

And yet, there are still people in the world that says it doesn't... 

I am a black woman. I have experienced racism, that I can remember, since I was 10 years old. Sometimes, it's been absolutely blatant and other times, not so much. However, each time, I was reminded of the fact that I was born with a skin color that is hated by some and feared by many. 

The current state of unrest does nothing to change the fact that there are, and will always be, racist people in the world. Some people like to cling to their ignorance and that's okay; however, it is not my job to change them. You can only speak logic to a dummy for so long before you begin to feel like a dummy as well and I, for one, refuse to feel like a dummy.

I commend those of you who are constantly calling out the racist people. Debating with the racist people. Posting facts for the racist people. However, I just can't do it any longer. And I am tired.

As my cousin, Jhortann, so eloquently reminded me, "Black mental health matters." She's right. My mental health is wavering right now and for the sake of what's at stake, it's time to unplug for awhile...

Friday, June 5, 2020

Make It Make Sense...

Because I think I'm a bit confused...

A few minutes ago, I saw a post that made reference to 9/11 and how the US has never forgotten. Every year, it is recognized because the vast amount of damage that terrorists caused, "changed the nation forever".

However, the KKK is the largest terrorist cell in the US and yet, we have been conditioned to conveniently forget every act of terrorism they have committed against the black community. From yelling derogatory slurs at them in the streets, to burning crosses in their front yards, to burning down their buildings WITH them in it, to public lynchings, and so much more. 

How is it that when a foreign enemy attacks us, we are taught to never forget, but when a domestic enemy attacks its own, we are taught to never remember?

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

That Is All...

To all of my "non-black" friends on social media,

There are some of you that would lay your life down on the line for me and I, for you. Your understanding of what's happening in the world right now and your willingness to stand for what's right is what makes the blood pump stronger in my veins. You have proven time and again, and not just on social media, that it doesn't matter who it makes uncomfortable, all people should be treated equally. It's what has made my love and respect for you as strong as it has become. 

There are some of you that are wanting to be allies and we need a lot of those right now. Continue to be willing to learn, to ask questions, to keep your eyes open and understand that there is a difference in the way that black people are treated compared to EVERYONE else, but especially compared to white people. Be willing to hear what our plight is and be willing to understand that what is currently going on is more than what some people are trying to say that it is. It's not about destruction and looting at all, it's about centuries of oppression. Centuries of being used as the scapegoat when ANY RACE decides to commit a crime. Murderers have walked free all because "a black man did it" was their trump card. 

Then, there are some of you that are completely clueless and absolutely tone deaf and willing to remain that way. If I see an ignorant post that you created or if I see ignorant comments from people you know on a post you've created and you're not challenging those people, hell, if I have to even question where you stand, I will cut you the fuck off. No questions asked. I don't care how many years we have known one another, it'll be snip snip, little bitch. Trust me, I have cut people off for less. Heed my warning. 

Oh, What A Time To Be Alive...

Because I never thought  I would see the day...

So, I am lying here, going down a Twitter feed that is sharing images from different countries worldwide of protestors packed in the streets and can you guess what I'm doing? 


Yes, I'm crying. 

I don't know if any of this will evoke the change that we need, that we so longed for, but to be alive during a time eerily similar to the one some of us have only read about, the one that happened less than 55 years ago, gives me a feeling that I cannot put into words. 

We are watching history in the making. We are living through a chapter in future generations' history books. These are the moments that life was made for. 

Good, bad, or indifferent, this is life and quite frankly, I've never felt more alive!