Monday, June 15, 2020

My Life Matters...

And yet, there are still people in the world that says it doesn't... 

I am a black woman. I have experienced racism, that I can remember, since I was 10 years old. Sometimes, it's been absolutely blatant and other times, not so much. However, each time, I was reminded of the fact that I was born with a skin color that is hated by some and feared by many. 

The current state of unrest does nothing to change the fact that there are, and will always be, racist people in the world. Some people like to cling to their ignorance and that's okay; however, it is not my job to change them. You can only speak logic to a dummy for so long before you begin to feel like a dummy as well and I, for one, refuse to feel like a dummy.

I commend those of you who are constantly calling out the racist people. Debating with the racist people. Posting facts for the racist people. However, I just can't do it any longer. And I am tired.

As my cousin, Jhortann, so eloquently reminded me, "Black mental health matters." She's right. My mental health is wavering right now and for the sake of what's at stake, it's time to unplug for awhile...

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