Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Abound

Well there is a new year right around the corner, like seriously around the corner... I would love, love, LOVE to write a poem ending 2009 the way i did for 2005... However, I don't think I will... My writing has been back on track since I last blogged, but it's kinda choosey... Sometimes there are subjects that it will let me write about and sometimes, there are not... But I can't wait until next year because it just seems like it's going to be exciting!!! It just feels like there is going to be soooo much that I can write about, that it's going to seem almost crazy!!! I would love to share some of my unpublished work on here so that people can get an idea as to what goes through my mind, but that's just not going to work... Mainly because there are some rather shady, shysty, and untrustworthy people out there... Some thieves and I kinda like maintaining the rights over my own work... Like that fact that when people read my work, they know it's mine... Like not being accused of ripping off another's words... But anyway, I still have quite a few projects in the making and I can't wait until there aren't any projects to work on at all...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Amazed At My Own Ability

As a writer, I oftentimes wonder "Where did THAT come from?!" This thought usually occurs when I'm going back through and reading some of my work... It's as if there is a completely different person writing those words because it's hard to imagine that they are from me... I feel that I sometimes intimidate myself, if that makes any sense at all... Like, those words were written so perfectly, how could I EVER begin to match that?! It's crazy because I can't even imagine myself writing things that have depth and meaning and make complete sense... But I do... I write from the heart... I write from the soul... I write from a place that needs to vent, that needs peace... And I find that a lot of my work is work that people are able to relate to... That in itself makes writing that much more worthwhile to me... It reminds me why I've been blessed with the ability to express myself through my words...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm Baaack!!!

So after a very long haitus of writing in general, I am back!! And I've come back with a vengence!! Well not really, but close enough... That horrific writer's block has been slowly melting away and I've been able to write a poem here and there... I still feel like my "pen" is a little rusty, but the more time I devote towards writing, the better I will become... I've been clearing my mind and going on my mental vacations to find my calming moment... Once I've done that, then I am able to write my thoughts down in an orderly fashion and get something beautiful out of it... I'm soooo happy to be able to write again!! I was completely afraid that I had sunken into that comfort zone of not writing and getting stuck there... Writing is a very important part of me and I pray that I never lose my will to write....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Speechless In Toledo...

Quite frankly there have been quite a few incidents occurring in my life... Some quite large... Some quite small... All have been weighing heavy on my mind... I want to write them down and release my mind from the binds, but once again I am having trouble finding the words... Maybe if I just take a step back and review each situation I might find that "aha" moment in there somewhere... Still, there's too much weighing on my mind to even begin to know where to start at...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Lagging Behind...

Wow.... I haven't written in here for quite some time now... I guess it's because I've been so completely busy with life... I do know that I think I'm getting my writing mojo back though... Lately I've taken to posting mini poems as my status updates on facebook, so that I will be in the habit of writing... This way when I finally get some downtime, I won't feel like a complete and utter writer's block victim... Hmmm... So I guess in a sense, that's what I advise anyone to do when they have writer's block.. Take baby steps to get back into the game, don't hurry and go for the gold because it will all come to you in the end...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

So I am posting this like a week late, but I wanted to post it all the same... I really in my heart of hearts would like to write a poetic tribute to Mr. jackson but right now I cannot find the words... It's crazy how life can be sometimes, but that's the way the God meant for it to be... If we all knew what was to happen next, then many people (if not all of us) would try to thwart God's plans... Michael was an icon to many, as well as in inspiration... His musical talents broke barriers, exceeded expectations, brought cultures together, and sooo much more... Hands down, he was amazing!! But for me, Michael was the background music to my childhood... His music reminds me of the many good times that I had as a kid... When life seemed great and the opportunities endless... His music had multiple meanings for me, on deeper levels than what was on the surface... Hearing his music enables me to look back and smile on the multiple good times that sooo many children miss out on... On the good times that even he, himself, may have missed out on... That effect on me alone is why I want to find the words to dedicate a poem to him... I'm sure it will be one of plenty, but to me it will feel like one of only one...

Monday, June 22, 2009

My "Aha!" Moment

Omg, I am soooo excited right now!! I have a thought AND a start up for a poem!! It came to me in my sleep and as a fleeting thought the other day!! It's been nagging at me to write it, so I think that that is exactly what I'm going to do!! I think I'm going to write the poem down so that I don't lose it!! I am way too happy about this because I have had writer's block for a couple of weeks now (hince the reason I haven't posted anything recently). So this is a complete break-through for me and anyone who knows how it feels to have a severe case of writer's block. I can't wait to get back to writing again and when I do, I might even post a little something something for you to read ;^)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Writer's Block... Again...

Well it seems as though I have hit a roadblock of sorts... I have soooo many ideas... Ideas on top of ideas and then some... BUT, I don't have any WORDS for these ideas... No way to describe them... Therefore, it looks like I have, once again, stumbled across a major case of writer's block... ARGH!!! I HATE WRITER'S BLOCK!!!

What to do, what to do??

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Floating Into Space...

So after a looong and drawnout thought process, I've decided NOT to write about the issue.. Why allow something so trivial to take up so much of my mental space?? Exactly my point... There are other things out there to write about...

I was actually thinking of writing about something more positive or even something that makes you think... But to be honest, I haven't had the time to actually sit down and write my thoughts out... Yes, I have found time to write in this blog, but that is different... It doesn't require much... It's not an intricate nor an intimate process... My writing reflects me... Or parts of me anyway... So I'm still debating on what to write about because I REALLY want to write about something!! I just don't know what that something is going to be....

However, there are many unfinished poems on my computer and in my notebook... Hmmm... Maybe I should finish up those poems... Who knows....

The Elephant In The Room...

(Sigh) So it seems like there's this huge issue that I want to write about, but I cannot find the words... It's been heavy on my heart and draining of my soul for the last few days... I've even prayed about the issue to God and he's given me clarity and serenity from the issue... Nothing life changing on my part or anyone else's for that matter, just some minimal issues that involve a third party and should be handled maturely... So what do you do when you want to write about an issue but don't have the words?? When it's something that is clearly a bother but not a bother enough to write about?? Even more so, how do you write about an issue that God has no longer made an issue to you??

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hi, my name is....

Poetry is my life... It is a part of me that I don't see fading away into the night anytime soon... So much has gone on in my life, plenty of postive moments and many negative ones... As do most people do, I usually focus on the negative... And that is where my gift for writing comes into play...

I believe that God has blessed me with a gift... A beautiful gift that very few have... A talent that some feel will take me far in life, if I allow myself to share it with the world... It's hard sharing my personal thoughts and feelings to people that you have never met before... Exposing places within your soul that are meant to be kept close to the heart... Who would have ever guessed that I would be the one to write a book....

Yes, I have a book... And the book is very personal to me... It shows people a side of me that I am better off not sharing... Promoting this book has been the hardest thing for me to do... It's not that I'm concerned with how people will perceive me once they've read it, I'm more concerned with what they will know about me in the end...

I'm a private person that keeps my guard up... I trust very few and I let even fewer get close to me... But behind all of that, I'm a very passionate person... Very emotional, very caring... A heart that has more love to give than most hearts do... I'm sympathetic as well as empathetic to the situations that people go through in their lives... And my biggest fear is that all of that will be exposed through my work....