Sunday, February 2, 2020

All It Took Was A Song...

And I found my soul shattered...

A couple of years ago, Demi Lovato almost overdosed. The other day, she sang the lyrics of my soul. (Demi Lovato - Anyone)

There comes a time in most people's lives when all they want out of this life is for someone to listen to them. Anyone. Those times that I speak of, those times... Those are the times that I find myself having more often than not.

I wish it weren't true, but it is.

I have gone through enough stuff throughout my life that I have found myself, down on my knees, crying out. For what you may ask? For help. For strength. For love. For guidance. For any damn thing, but never in the moment that I need them, do those cries get heard. For me to cry out, means that I am not feeling as strong as I think I should be. For me to cry out, means that I am feeling at my lowest. For me to cry out, means that I am feeling my weakest.

For me, it means that I am in my darkest hour.

Whenever I find myself in my darkest hour, I find my soul asking, pleading, then begging for someone to listen to me. For someone to acknowledge that they heard my cries and tell me that they are there with the answers and/or solutions. Hell, even if they are not there with any of that stuff, then tell me that that stuff is on its way.

Sometimes, I just want an answer.

Life is a complicated journey, and oftentimes, one too confusing to navigate. We do not get compasses or road maps, but we have our beliefs. We are also given certain people in our lives. Both of which are meant to guide you on your journey in some way at some point in your life as well as be there when you cry out.

However, sadly sometimes, even they are not listening...

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