Friday, February 15, 2019

No Matter The Hurry In Our Lives...

Patience will find a way to slow us down...

2019 must be the "test my patience" year and not in a negative way.

Probably all of my life, I struggled with being patient about a thing and right now there are some major things in my life that I have to patiently wait on before making any further moves. In the beginning, it was pure hell, but as days pass and time goes on, the wait gets easier and easier.

I find that being patient, like actually being patient, allows me the ability to breathe better. It allows me the opportunity to focus more. It allows me the chance to maintain good health because I am not over here stressing myself to death. Most importantly, it allows my spirit to just be.

I could say that I don't know why it took so long for me to actually embrace this way of thinking, but that would be a lie. It took me finally learning to accept that some things are completely out of my control to embrace being a patient individual. That no amount of micromanaging or controlling on my end will change the outcome of a situation any faster; sometimes a thing simply requires time...

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